King of Cups |
Emotional security, kindness, tolerance, considerate.Mature adult men from age 40 (or mature young men).Fair/brown hair, Brown or blue eyes. |
Queen of Cups |
Intuition, compassion, gentleness, good nature emotional calmness.Mature woman from age 40 (or mature young woman).Fair/brown hair, Brown or blue eyes. |
REVERSED:Insecurity, addiction, smothering,co-dependant. |
Knight of Cups |
Creativity, new romance, emotional matters.Adults from 20-40 years of age (or older youthful adults).Fair/brown hair, Brown or blue eyes. |
REVERSED:Fraud, trickery, cheating,moodiness, idleness. |
Page of Cups |
Contemplation, creativity, new emotions, artistic, news.Children, adolescents, and very young adults.Fair/brown hair, Brown or blue eyes. |
REVERSED:Selfishness, not imaginative,immaturity. |
Ace of Cups |
Beginning of love, joy, happiness,overwhelming emotions. |
REVERSED:Disappointment, depression,selfish, holding back, egoistic. |
Two of Cups |
Love, bonding, partnership, new romance,friendship, harmony. |
REVERSED:Imbalanced relationship, separation,misunderstanding, no cooperation. |
Three of Cups |
Friendship, celebrations,support, unity. |
REVERSED:Overindulgence, gossiping, pain,distress, no support. |
Four of Cups |
Apathy, losing interest, dissatisfied with success,re-evaluation. |
REVERSED:New goals, action, ambition,renewed interest. |
Five of Cups |
Loss, sadness, regrets, grief,feeling abandoned, sorrow. |
REVERSED:New beginnings, hope returns,moving forwards, recovery. |
Six of Cups |
Harmony, nostalgia, reunion, renewal of past relationships,fond memories, gifts. |
REVERSED:Disappointing friendships,living in the past, painful memories. |
Seven of Cups |
Too many choices, delusions,distraction, commitment issues. |
REVERSED:Determined, clarity, illumination,will power, definite direction. |
Eight of Cups |
Abandoning, moving on, retreating,
REVERSED:Need for pleasure, pursuit of contentment,
Nine of Cups |
Material abundance, contentment, good health,
REVERSED:Materialism, financial issues,
Ten of Cups |
Happy family, joy, peace, long-lasting friendships,
REVERSED:Family trouble, broken dreams,